Ideas without Borders – Bridging Science and Society

International research cooperation and science communication are key components of diplomacy and help address global challenges. Cross-border research collaboration can cultivate long-lasting relationships between individuals, institutions, and knowledge communities and build trust within academic civil society beyond state politics. By allowing a plurality of voices and interpretations, science can productively negotiate conflicting interests. How can we benefit from science diplomacy and science communication’s potential to connect different academic communities and bridge science and society?

Exhibition in Berlin Elephantine – Island of the Milennia
Disciplines Involved

Translating Science to Society

Strengthening Science Diplomacy

Prof. Groetschel a a speakers desk

AGYA members have implemented an impressive number of research projects with a great diversity of topics relevant to societies in the Arab world and Germany. Promoting these talented scholars, AGYA nurtures a strong network of future decision makers.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Grötschel, Former President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)

AGYA at a Glance

64 members

48 alumni & alumnae

19 countries

Bridging Science and Politics

Cultural Commonalities - Shared Identities

Fayçal Djeffal

Through AGYA, at the example of philosophy, I gained a deeper understanding of the commonalities of Arabic and German identities.

AGYA alumni Prof. Dr. Fayçal Djeffal, Microelectronics & Physics, Algeria