Emirati media about an AGYA delegation visiting the University of Sharjah (in Arabic): Al Watan, 18 March 2024: READ MORE Sharjah 24, 18 March 2024: READ MORE
Al-Quds Al-Arabi about the AGYA research project 'Brigitte Schiffer: Letters from Cairo, 1935-63': 'رسائل من القاهرة… عن الحرب والموسيقى والهوية الممزقة' (in Arabic), 15 March 2024 READ MORE
Al-Shorouk: 'برلين العالمية في القرن 21».. العاصمة الألمانية قبلة دراسية مفضلة للعرب»' (in Arabic), 13 September 2023 READ MORE
ZDF Auslandsjournal: ‘Streit um den Nil: Ägypten und Äthiopien im Kampf ums Wasser’ (in German), AGYA alumnus Ahmed Khalil about AGYA's projects on water treatment (from 14:20), 29 August 2023 WATCH MORE
Diwan Al-Arab: 'الصالون الأدبي الثاني مع محسن الرملي' (in Arabic), 17 October 2022 READ MORE
AlwatanVoice: 'الصالون الأدبيّ الأوّل مع فاضل العزّاوي.. عن الأدب والسياسة والتجربة' (in Arabic), 19 September 2022 READ MORE
Tagesspiegel: 'Ein Salon in Zeiten von Krieg und Corona' (in German), 20 May 2022 READ MORE
Sky News Arabia: ‘نجاحهن هبة راجحة.. لبنانية تفوز بجائزة في العلوم بفضلات الطعام’ (in Arabic), 09 May 2022 WATCH MORE
taz: 'Eine Rolltreppe zum Mond?' (in German), 05 May 2022 READ MORE
Al-Fanar Media: 'Arabic Stays Center Stage at Arab-German Academy’s Summer School', 26 August 2021 READ MORE
Al Jazeera: 'AGYA: An Arab-German Bridge to Support Scientific Research': (in Arabic), 03 August 2021 READ MORE
The National News: ''From Cinderella to Sindbad': New Abu Dhabi exhibition to explore literary traditions from Germany and the Arab world', 04 April 2021 READ MORE
Neues Deutschland: 'Rotkäppchen und Layla wa al-Dhib. Ein Forschungsprojekt setzt arabische und deutsche Erzähltraditionen in Beziehung zueinander' (in German), 17 April 2021 READ MORE
Al-Fanar Media: 'A Small Network of Arab and German Academics Aspires to Have a Large Impact', 23 March 2020 READ MORE
Kooperation International: 'BMBF fördert deutsch-arabischen Wissenschaftsdialog mit 15 Millionen Euro' (in German), 04 February 2020 READ MORE
Kultur-Port: 'Bund fördert arabisch-deutsche Forschungskooperation' (in German), 31 January 2020 READ MORE
Nürtinger Zeitung: 'Soft Computing and Data Mining for Energy and Environment' (in German), 03 August 2019 READ MORE
Der Tagesspiegel: 'Cinderella, Sindbad & Sinuhe' at Neues Museum Berlin (in German), 14 May 2019 READ MORE
Egypt Independent: 'Berlin Adlershof Science City', AGYA member Nadine Abdalla reports in Al-Masry Al-Youm on the excursion of AGYA members to the during the Annual Conference in Berlin (in Arabic), 19 April 2019 READ MORE
Taleem.com: ‘Understanding Construction Law & Its Implementation (FIDIC Guidelines and GCC Practices)’ (in Arabic), 25 November 2018 READ MORE
Gulf Today: ‘Storytelling, Travel Writing and Seafaring from Cross-Cultural Perspectives’, 01 November 2018 READ MORE
Sharjah 24: ‘Storytelling, Travel Writing and Seafaring from Cross-Cultural Perspectives’ (in Arabic), 31 October 2018 READ MORE
Bold News: ‘The Opening of the AGYA Regional Office at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in Cairo’ (in Arabic), 26 October 2018 READ MORE
Al-Wafd: ‘The Opening of the AGYA Regional Office at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in Cairo’ (in Arabic), 26 October 2018 READ MORE
Egyptian media: The 'hand-over of keys' of the newly established AGYA regional office in Cairo by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, President of ASRT, 27 November 2017 Al Ahram, 27 November 2017: READ MORE Al Watan, 27 November 2017: READ MORE TV network DMC, 26 November 2017: REPORT 1, REPORT 2
taz.de: ‘A New Wave of Populism in Europe and the Arab World: Implications and Consequences for Civic Institutions’ (in German), 10 October 2016 READ MORE
Museum and the City: ‘Papyri von Elephantine: Wie Ägyptologen die Antike decodieren’ (in German), 29 March 2016 READ MORE
Die Zeit: ‘Gerade dort, wo es schwierig ist’ Interview with AGYA Co-President Prof. Verena Lepper on the further funding of AGYA (in German), 11 February 2016 READ MORE
Der Tagesspiegel, ‘Vier Millionen Euro für arabisch-deutsche Forschung‘ (in German), 03 February 2016 READ MORE
Al-Jasra: ‘Arab-German Research Cooperation: New Chances and Challenges in International Academia’ (in Arabic), 13 November 2015
Zaitona: ‘Arab-German Research Cooperation: New Chances and Challenges in International Academia’ (in Arabic), 12 November 2015
Asharq Al-Awsat: ‘Arab-German Research Cooperation: New Chances and Challenges in International Academia’ (in Arabic), 10 November 2015 READ MORE
The Sunday Times of Malta: ‘Deċeduti ’s supernatural comedy ‘work of genius’ -Representation of History in Maltese TV Series’, 13 September 2015 READ MORE
DAVO Nachrichten (Volume 38/39): ‘Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) - Giving a Voice to Early Career Scholars’, June 2015 READ MORE
Al-Jasra Culture: The Annual AGYA Conference in Munich 2015 (in Arabic), 18 June 2015
Junge Akademie Magazin (Page 46-47): ‘Arabisch-Deutscher Thinktank’ (in German), September 2014 READ MORE
Deutschland.de: The AGYA Opening Conference in Berlin, 11 August 2014
Der Tagesspiegel: ‘Arabisch-deutsche junge Akademie in Berlin eröffnet Neue Blicke auf den Orient’ (in German), 24 June 2014 READ MORE
Emirates News Agency: Meeting with Prof Dr Verena Lepper in the delegation of the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs in Abu Dhabi, 31 May 2014
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