The Rise of the Incredible Salty Salicornia Power Plant

Cover of 1st AGYA Science Comic


Published: 2018

1st AGYA Science Comic

The 1st AGYA Science Comic of the AGYA members Skander Elleuche (Biotechnologist) and Jan Friesen (Eco-hydrologist), designed by the illustrators Tyasseta & Siloy, investigates how salt tolerant plants (halophytes) could play a role in the field of sustainable energy production. The science comic entitled ‘The Rise of the Incredible Salty Salicornia Power Plant' presents the results of an interdisciplinary and transnational AGYA research project. The graphic novel is based on the research paper ‘Facing the challenge of sustainable bioenergy production: Could halophytes be part of the solution?’ by AGYA members Ahmed Debez (Plant Biologist), Skander Elleuche (Biotechnologist), Jan Friesen (Eco-hydrologist) and Carsten Montzka (Soil Scientist). The 1st AGYA Science Comic was launched on 26 January 2018.  The event reached an international audience of scholars, artists, communication experts as well as representatives of Arab embassies.

doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18899.48162