Summer School: Affordable Artificial Intelligence (SAAI – سعي)

The AGYA Summer School is offering 30 undergraduate and graduate students from Germany and various Arab countries the opportunity to delve into theoretical and experimental research in the field of Affordable Artificial Intelligence (AI). The carefully curated interdisciplinary four-day program allows participants to explore the fundamental principles, potential applications, and the latest advancements in this dynamic scientific field. The summer school takes a multi-faceted focus engaging the academic fields of health, education and climate change, fostering an intellectually stimulating environment. High-ranking international speakers and trainers will further enrich the experience of each and every participant.

The summer school is open for undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines including social sciences and humanities as well as technical, life, natural sciences, and the arts with a particular research interest in Artificial Intelligence.

The Summer School is open for:

  • Under-/Graduate Students from all disciplines with a particular research interest in AI.
  • They must be affiliated with a university or research institution in Germany or any Arab country.
  • Excellent command of the English language is required.

Important Dates:

  • 29 May 2024: Submission deadline
  • 05 June 2024: Notification of selected applicants
  • 22-26 July 2024: AGYA Summer School on Affordable AI in Bonn, Germany

Please find more information about the call for participation here.

Find Additional Information here:


Summer School on Affordable AI

Hanine Abed Al Khalek