Nadia Bahra

 Nadia Bahra
  • Archaeology

Areas of Expertise:
Archaeological science; North African prehistory; Identity and heritage; Scientific terminology in Arabic

since 2020


University of Constantine 2, Algeria

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Archaeology
Université de Constantine 2
Nouvelle ville Ali Mendjeli, B.P. 67 A
25016 Ali Mendjeli -Constantine

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About me

I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Archaeology and the Director of the History, Heritage and Society Laboratory at the University of Constantine 2 in Algeria. I am also currently a research associate at the National Centre for Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research (CNRPAH) in Algiers. My research focuses on the material culture of the earliest Homo sapiens in Algeria and North Africa, and on the impact of environmental shifts on human behaviour. I am interested in developing interdisciplinary methodologies to overcome the challenges of archaeological field research in my country and the Arab region, where I aim to contribute to the preservation of archaeological sites, especially prehistoric remains. 

Being an AGYA member is a superb opportunity to build partnerships with young scholars from Arab countries and Germany.

I appreciate interacting and learning with fellow members who are interested in paleo-environmental and cultural issues in prehistoric and heritage studies.

Academic career
2020 - todayDirector of History, Heritage and Society Laboratory (HIPASO), University of Constantine 2, Algeria
2019 - todaySenior Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Constantine 2, Algeria
2019Accreditation to supervise research (Habitilation), University of Algiers 2, Algeria
2017Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Algiers 2, Algeria
2016 - todayMember of the North African Prehistory Commission – International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP)
2013 - 2017Assistant Lecturer, Department of Archaeology, University of Constantine 2, Algeria
2012 - 2013PNE Scholarship at the National Institute of Archaeology and Heritage sciences, Rabat, Morocco (funded by Algerian MESRS)
2008 - todayResearch Associate, National Centre for Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research (CNRPAH), Algiers, Algeria
2007 - 2012Assistant Lecturer, Department of History, University of Mentouri, Constantine, Algeria
2006Magister degree in Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Algiers, Algeria
2005Diploma of Pharmacist (M.Pharm), University of Algiers, Algeria
My Commitment to AGYA
Former Member of the AGYA Steering Committee (2022-2023)
Nomination Committee 'New AGYA Members' 2021, 2022, 2023
Former Member in Charge of the Working Group 'Common Heritage and Common Challenges' (2021-2023)

On a personal note

Must read in my discipline:
Préhistoire de l’Afrique du Nord by Lionel Balout

Favourite novel:
Les damnés de la terre by Frantz fanon (1961)

The scientist from my country you should know:
Mohamed Sahnouni, Archeologist (CENIEH, Burgos, Spain)