We Welcome our New AGYA Members 2017
We welcome our new AGYA members 2017
11 excellent scholars have been selected following a public call for membership. As AGYA members they will have the unique opportunity to take an active part in the life of the Young Academy that supports them to implement their own ideas, visions and projects in the framework of Arab-German research cooperation. Funding is provided for interdisciplinary research projects within the various AGYA Working Groups as well as for Tandem Projects (between one German and one Arab member) and the Idea Competition.
New Arab Members:
Dr. Nadine Abdalla
Country of work: Egypt
Research Institution: American University in Cairo
Area of research: Social Sciences
Subject: Political Science
Email: nadine.abdalla[at]aucegypt.edu
Dr. Nageh Allam
Country of work: Egypt
Research Institution: The American University in Cairo
Area of research: Natural Sciences
Subject: Physics
Email: nageh.allam[at]aucegypt.edu
Prof. Dr. Djamel Djenouri
Country of work: Algeria
Research Institution: Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information
Area of research: Technical Sciences
Subject: Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Networks
Email: djenouri[at]gmail.com
Dr. Zeina Hobaika
Country of work: Lebanon
Research Institution: Saint Joseph University of Beirut
Area of research: Natural Sciences
Subject: Biochemistry
Email: zeina.hobaika[at]usj.edu.lb
Prof. Dr. Dominik Michels
Country of work: Saudi Arabia
Research Institution: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Area of research: Technical Sciences
Subject: Computer Science & Mathematics
Email: dominik.michels[at]kaust.edu.sa
Dr. Maha Nasr
Country of work: Egypt
Research Institution: Ain Shams University
Area of research: Life Sciences
Subject: Pharmaceutics, Industrial Pharmacy
Email: drmahanasr[at]pharma.asu.edu.eg
New German Members:
Dr. Jan Busse
Country of work: Germany
Research Institution: Universität der Bundeswehr München
Area of research: Social Sciences
Subject: Political Science, International Relations, Middle East Studies
Email: jan.busse[at]unibw.de
Dr. Christian Fron
Country of work: Germany
Research Institution: University of Heidelberg
Area of research: Humanities
Subject: Ancient History
Email: christian.fron[at]zaw.uni-heidelberg.de
Dr. Ahmed N. Hegazy
Country of work: Germany
Research Institution: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Area of research: Life Sciences
Subject: Medicine, Gastroenterology
Email: ahmed.hegazy[at]charite.de
Dr. Beate Ulrike La Sala
Country of work: Germany
Research Institution: Freie Universität Berlin
Area of research: Humanities
Subject: Philosophy
Email: b.lasala[at]fu-berlin.de
Prof. Dr. Marc Ringel
Country of work: Germany
Research Institution: HFWU – Nuertingen-Geislingen University
Area of research: Social Sciences
Subject: Economics, Political Economy
Email: enpol.erm[at]hfwu.de
The new members will be officially inaugurated at the AGYA Annual Conference in Amman in October 2017.