Dominik L. Michels

AGYA Alumni Jointly building bridges into the future

 Dominik L. Michels
  • Computer Sciences,
  • Mathematics

Areas of Expertise:
Intelligent algorithms; Modeling and simulation

2017 - 2022


Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

Department of Computer Science
Mornewegstraße 30, Floor 2 Office 2.4.04
64293 Darmstadt

+49 (0) 6151 16 20802
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About me

Dominik L. Michels is a Full Professor (W3) of Computer Science holding the professorship of Intelligent Algorithms in Modeling and Simulation
(IAMS) at the Technical University of Darmstadt since 2023. He is also a KAUST Associate Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, and was previously employed at Stanford University.

His research aims for the development of intelligent algorithms targeting principled, accurate and efficient simulations, and their applications in the fields of Visual Computing and Scientific Computing.
This is based on solid theoretical foundations resulting from fundamental research comprising algorithmics, artificial intelligence, computer algebra, machine learning, mathematical modeling, and numerical analysis.