Alumni Project

Advanced Applications of Emergent Materials


Boosted by the development of the experimental techniques like the great success of graphene-based devices, the past decade has witnessed the rapid development of a long list of emergent materials with a wide range of applications in numerous fields, such as energy and environment, medicine, health care, and astronautics. Furthermore, the feasibility of engineering such nanostructures has the potential to alter and revolutionise the material world and daily life extremely. However, despite the potential gains, the long-term effects of exposing these new materials and other technology critical elements into the environment (embedded into nature or incorporated in bodies) are still unknown. Hence, to promote a sustainable development of emergent materials, it will be also of great importance to develop policies and guidelines on how to use their properties for the improvement and progress of mankind. This includes the responsible and intelligent handling of new materials and their use as technological element that society benefits from in a positive and non-destructive way.

In cooperation with the Hassan II Academy of Sciences & Technology, AGYA organised an international workshop in Rabat and Fes (Morocco), where AGYA Alumni and members as well as external researchers and experts addressed the scientific, social and economic challenges of multidisciplinary research and development efforts involving emergent materials for advanced applications in energy, environment, and medicine. During the 3-day-workshop undergraduates and PhD students from Morocco also had the chance to interact with the experts, present their latest results and being involved in feedbacks on this sustainable and innovative topic.

Discipline Involved
Cooperation Partners
Hassan II Academy of Sciences & Technology, Morocco
Mohammed V University, Morocco
Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Technology, Rabat, Morocco
Project Title
Advanced Applications of Emergent Materials
Funding Scheme
Alumni Project
Countries Involved
Germany, Morocco