Communicating Science through Comics: A Method
Communicating Science through Comics: A Method
Scientists are trained to tell stories, scientific stories. Training is also needed to comprehend and contextualize these highly nuanced and technical stories because they are designed to explicitly convey scientific results, delineate their limitations, and describe a reproducible ‘plot’ so that any thorough reenactment can achieve a similar conclusion. Although a carefully constructed scientific story may be crystal clear to other scientists in the same discipline, they are often inaccessible to broader audiences. AGYA members Jan Friesen, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ, and Skander Elleuche have published a paper on 'Communicating Science through Comics: A Method' where they suggest a flexible framework to translate a complex scientific publication into a comprehensible comic format.
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Release Date
August 2018
Picture by Tyasseta & Siloy