Linda Ammann

 Linda Ammann
  • Linguistics & African Studies

Areas of Expertise:
Language contact; Areal linguistics; Language in connection with transfer of cultural knowledge & identity; Phonology of “Khoisan” languages

since 2022


Universität Zürich, Switzerland

Faculty of Medicine
Pestalozzistrasse 3
8032 Zürich

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About me

My current work focuses on the role that language and identity play in relations between Africa. China, and Europe. I am particularly interested in how language reflects and influences power relations and the transmission of culture and (cultural) knowledge, as well as in the motivation for language learning and the effects of (broad scale) language acquisition in international relations.

Language is often strongly connected with (individual and cultural) identity, cultural heritage, access to / transmission of knowledge, and power relations. Language is one of the most powerful tools humans have, which can be used to suppress, but also empower people. AGYA, with its interdisciplinary nature, provides the perfect basis and infrastructure to engage researchers from different fields in discussions about how we want to communicate within the scientific community, as well as with the general public when sharing results or giving insight into scientific processes and discussions.

Together with my fellow AGYA members, I would like to identify and analyse communicative challenges in cooperation, discover new ways of a joint communication and a more inclusive language.

Academic career
2021 - 2024Postdoctoral Researcher in the BMBF-funded project “De:link // Re:link", Local perspectives on transregional processes of (dis)entanglements“, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
2019 - 2021Scientific Coordinator (postdoc), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
2016 - 2019Project Manager, Orang-Utans in Not e.V. (Orangutans in Peril, environmental organization), Leipzig, Germany
2017 - 2019Technical Research Assistant, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department for Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture, Leipzig, Germany
2017PhD, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2009 – 2013 as part of the Max Planck research group on Comparative Population Linguistics led by Dr. Dr. Brigitte Pakendorf), Germany
2013 - 2015Project Manager, Klima ohne Grenzen gGmbH, (Climate without Borders, environmental organization), Leipzig, Germany
2009Master of Arts in African Linguistics, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands


My Commitment to AGYA
Nomination Committee 'New AGYA Members' 2023

On a personal note

Must read in my discipline:
Language contact by Sarah G. Thomason