Faouzia Zeraoulia

 Faouzia Zeraoulia
  • Political Science

Areas of Expertise:
Memory studies; Civil wars; Peace-building and reconciliation; Political violence; Authoritarianism; Resource conflicts; Transitional justice in the Middle East and North Africa region

since 2022


Mohamed Seddik ben Yahia University, Algeria

Department of Political Sciences
RQ22+CMM, Jijel

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About me

I am an Associate Professor and a researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Jijel, Algeria. I am a scholar with a broad and deep interest in conflict studies, peacebuilding, and female empowerment. Currently, I work on a new research project that examines women’s activism, coping strategies, and resilience development in divided societies with a specific focus on Algeria and Yemen. This project illuminates multiple aspects of female bottom-up activism in conflict settings that I am equally sure will be interesting for researchers from various disciplines.

I believe that AGYA membership will be a remarkable turning point on my academic journey.

Joining AGYA provides me with an ideal opportunity to work independently, to explore new perspectives, and to enhance my skills as an independent conflict studies scholar. I am sure that this membership will incite me to contribute to multidisciplinary debates and discussions about my research interest. In addition, the AGYA membership will be the gate to reinforce and to expand my academic network by building new linkages with researchers and academics from various institutions in Germany and Arab countries.

Academic career
2019 - todayAssociate Professor, Department for Political Science , Mohamed Seddik ben Yahia University, Jijel, Algeria
2019 - 2021Postdoctoral Researcher, The Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps University, Marburg, Germany.
2019Research Fellow at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
2018 - 2019Research Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
2014 - 2016Doctoral Fellow, at Les Afriques dans Le Monde (LAM), L’IEP de Bordeaux, France
2011 - 2017Ph.D. Degree, Algiers ‘3’ University, Algeria
2006 - 2009Master’s Degree, Algiers University , Algeria
My Commitment to AGYA
Acting Arab Co-President of AGYA (since 2024)
Member of the AGYA Steering Committee (since 2023)