Claire Bullen

 Claire Bullen
  • Sociology,
  • Anthropology

Areas of Expertise:
Urban ethnography; Ethnographic comparison; Urbanity in a global perspective; Anthropology of the Mediterranean; Socio-spatial transformations.

since 2023


University of Tübingen, Germany

Institute for Sociology
Chair for Migration & Diversity
Wilhelmstr. 36
72072 Tübingen

+ 49 7071 29 74348
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About me

My research focuses on urban social relations around the Mediterranean tackling rather broad questions: How do people who live in urban areas give meaning and value to their lives? What shapes their participation in city-making? How is this changing within multi-scalar relations (local, city-wide, national, transnational, global). What can we learn by thinking comparatively about these processes? My recent field sites include Marseille in France, Oran in Algeria and Tangier in Morocco.

I am keen to learn from and collaborate with scholars exploring societal transformation in Arabic-speaking cities around the Mediterranean and beyond.

I am particularly interested in working with those developing urban analysis from a non-Western  perspective and I wish to work with and learn from colleagues to develop collaborative comparative perspectives on societal changes and challenges that go beyond north/south binaries.

Academic career
2019 - todayPost-doctoral researcher, Institute of Sociology, University of Tübingen, Germany
2018 - 2019Lecturer, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Marseille School of Architecture, Marseille, France
2016 - 2017Post-doctoral fellow, Institut d’ethnographie méditerranénne, européenne et comparative (CNRS-IDEMEC), Aix-Marseille University, France
2009 - 2016Doctoral research, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, UK
2012 - 2013Research assistant, “Cityscalers” research project, University of Vienna, Austria

On a personal note:

Favourite novel:
George Orwell: Down and Out in London and Paris